Imam Abdullah Smith

With over 25 years of experience, Imam Abdullah has made significant contributions to teaching, lecturing, counseling, and motivational speaking.

His ability to engage with diverse communities and board members is demonstrated through his excellent organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills.

He has a proven track record of inspiring teenagers and young adults, and his fundraising efforts have successfully garnered over one million dollars for various Islamic institutions and projects.

In his previous role as Director of Religious Affairs at the Quran & Sunnah Association of Central FL, he has taught over 20 books, delivered numerous lectures in English and Arabic, and provided counseling and mediation to individuals and couples.

His management of social media platforms and strategic topic selection has doubled Friday attendance.

His tenure at the Islamic Society of Greater Houston and The Islamic Center of Central Missouri saw the development of over 100 educational programs, including a successful Hajj and Umrah coaching program, and the delivery of presentations to large audiences.

The Imam’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Narrative Traditions (Hadith) and Theology from the University of Madinah, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude, and an Associate of Arts in Arabic for Non-Native Speakers from the Institute of Arabic Language.

He holds a PMP Project Management Professional Certification and has held positions such as a member of the Daytona Beach Police Department Interfaith Bereavement. His leadership and educational programs have had a lasting impact on the communities he has served.

  • Imam Abdulla’s phone: (732) 463-2004 x101
  • Imam Abdulla’s email:


Imam’s Schedule:

Imam schedule includes time for religious responsibilities, office hours, and educational activities.


Imam may be away due to following activities:

  • Interfaith meetings
  • Interfaith programs
  • Weddings
  • Janazah (bath & burial)
  • Family counseling
  • Others