
Lead Instructors


Sr. Samia Zafer is honored to be a graduate from Darul Uloom Online Institute based in Chicago. She has completed 6 years of rigorous study in various disciplines of Islamic Sciences since 2016. She has a Masters in English Literature from a renowned university in Pakistan as well as a Bachelors in Education (Teacher Certification) from the University of Windsor (Canada). She is expected to complete her Masters in Islamic Sciences in the near future In Sha Allah.
Sr. Samia is a strong advocate of understanding the Qur’an and the Arabic language and works at various levels to make learning as easy as possible for sisters of all ages. She has been teaching classes on Arabic, Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah, word to word translation/tafseer of the Qur’an, Hadeeth and Akhlaaq to middle and high school girls. She also helps design curriculums for Arabic learning and understanding. She has been a part of Al-Qalam Academy in Texas, where she virtually teaches high school girls. She has been teaching classes in reflective tafseer at MCMC for almost 4 years as well as giving weekly khatiras in her nearby communities for the past 8 years. She also taught Islamic Studies to high school girls at Annoor Academy in Piscataway.